Heartwarming Act of Kindness by Students Rescues Crying Year 7 Pupil

Tom O’Brien selflessly helped a crying Year 7 pupil after he spotted him upset on the bus home from school
Another pupil who helped the distressed schoolboy was Harry Campbell

In a heartwarming display of compassion, three schoolboys came to the aid of a distraught Year 7 student who had mistakenly boarded the wrong bus on his first day of school. This act of kindness not only ensured the boy’s safe return home but also renewed a mother’s faith in humanity.

Heartwarming Act of Kindness by Students Rescues Crying Year 7 Pupil

The 11-year-old boy found himself on the wrong bus, gradually moving away from his intended destination in Netherton, Liverpool. Fortunately, three students stepped in to help him. Year 11 student Tom O’Brien, noticing the boy’s distress, generously offered him £10 for a taxi. Meanwhile, Year 7 students Harry Campbell and Dylan Robson ensured the young student’s safe journey back home.

The heartwarming story was shared on Facebook by a mother, and it quickly went viral, garnering thousands of comments praising the boys for their kindness. Collette, Harry’s mother, expressed her gratitude and said that the entire situation “restores faith in humanity.”

Collette recounted the moment when her husband spotted Harry talking to the lost boy outside their house. Harry had taken the initiative to call a taxi to pick up the boy from their house, ensuring his safety. He stayed outside, waiting with the boy until the taxi arrived.

Tom O’Brien, who selflessly contributed to the rescue, simply stated that he was glad the boy had safely reached home. He also expressed his satisfaction that teenagers were receiving positive recognition. Tom’s father, Kenny, proudly described his son as “thoughtful and caring.”

Kenny shared, “I am very proud of him. He is a very thoughtful lad and has a great personality. He didn’t tell me what had happened until later in the night when he realized people were talking about it on Facebook. He just said he was on the bus asking the Year 7’s how they had got on, on their first day and he noticed this kid sat on his own, looking anxious and upset and asked him was he okay. The boy said he had got on the wrong bus and was getting further and further away from home, so Tom thought on his feet, told him to get off the bus and gave him £10 for a taxi.”

Another parent, Toni, shared how her son Dylan had recounted the incident when he returned home from school. Dylan had explained that he, along with Harry, had assisted the distressed boy by calling a taxi. Toni expressed her pride in her son’s empathy and hoped that others would do the same if her child found himself in a similar situation.

The boys contacted a Delta Taxi, and it was later revealed that the taxi driver had not charged the young boy for the journey. Matthew Symes, the Headteacher of Holy Family Catholic High School, praised Tom’s selflessness and described him as an exemplary figure for the school’s younger students. He emphasized how this act of kindness at the beginning of the school year set a positive tone for everyone.

In a world often filled with negative news, this heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the goodness and compassion that exist within our communities.

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