Sperm Donor Fathering 69 Children Plans to Continue After a Brief Retirement

Kyle Gordy is known online for his controversial hobby as a sperm donor and is the biological father of 69 children around the world.

Kyle Gordy, a prolific sperm donor who has fathered 69 children, has decided to continue his sperm donation activities after initially announcing his retirement to focus on finding a meaningful relationship.

Sperm Donor Fathering 69 Children Plans to Continue After a Brief Retirement

Kyle began donating his sperm in 2014 and currently has eight more children on the way across four different continents: Europe, Asia, North America, and Australia.

Angela, who gave birth to one of Kyle Gordy’s babies. Pictured with her partner and the baby Kyle fathered.

Originally from California, Kyle had been traveling the world in pursuit of a meaningful relationship during his “retirement” from sperm donation. However, when he was contacted by struggling families and single individuals desperate to have children, he decided to resume his controversial “hobby” as a sperm donor.

Kyle stated, “Initially, I was planning on sightseeing and visiting friends, as well as trying to find love. But then people kept reaching out, and I felt like they would be good parents, so it was very hard to turn them down.”

The 32-year-old is well-known online for offering his help for free and often receives messages from women on Instagram (@kylegordy123) who want to have his child.

Sperm Donor Fathering 69 Children Plans to Continue After a Brief Retirement

Earlier this year, Kyle mentioned that balancing sperm donation with having a normal sex life was challenging. He explained that he refrains from having a sex life outside of donating to maximize the chances of pregnancy for recipients.

Alina with her baby that Kyle fathered.

Kyle also revealed that he had found love with one of the women he donated sperm to in the past, but their relationship only lasted two months. The woman couldn’t accept his ongoing sperm donation activities and believed it wouldn’t work in the long term.

Sperm Donor Fathering 69 Children Plans to Continue After a Brief Retirement

Kyle expressed his desire to find someone special who can accept his past and future sperm donation activities. He is open to making certain compromises for the right person.

Kyle, who plans to visit the UK on his global tour, operates the website Be Pregnant Now, which provides fertility tips, including a detailed meal plan for both men and women on the day they hope to conceive.

Sperm Donor Fathering 69 Children Plans to Continue After a Brief Retirement

He finds satisfaction in helping women start families and believes that contributing to children growing up with different cultures and languages is a positive outcome of his sperm donation.

For now, Kyle has no plans to stop donating and said, “Maybe in the future, I’ll change my mind again, but for now, I’m not going anywhere.”

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