“Apple Faces Potential Backlash as It Adopts EU-Mandated USB-C Chargers for iPhone 15”

Apple, under chief Tim Cook, unsuccessfully battled against Brussels’ attempt to implement common charging standard

Apple is gearing up to unveil its latest smartphone lineup, the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro, with promises of improved speed and capabilities. However, one significant change is beyond Apple’s control, and it involves switching from its proprietary “Lightning” charging technology to the widely adopted “USB-C” cable.

“Apple Faces Potential Backlash as It Adopts EU-Mandated USB-C Chargers for iPhone 15”

This seemingly minor modification has been a source of intense debate and costly lobbying efforts by Apple for years. The company faced off against European authorities in their quest to establish a common charging standard aimed at reducing electronic waste (e-waste).

Last year, Brussels confirmed new regulations requiring tech companies to adopt USB-C as the universal charging standard by 2024. The goal was to eliminate the need for consumers to purchase a different charger every time they acquired a new device, ultimately reducing e-waste and saving consumers money. It was estimated that chargers generated 11,000 tonnes of e-waste annually in the European Union, costing consumers €250 million each year.

Reluctantly, Apple has accepted this directive. All new phones in the iPhone 15 lineup are expected to come with USB-C compatibility. However, experts anticipate potential backlash from consumers who have invested in Apple’s proprietary “Lightning” cables and docks.

“Apple Faces Potential Backlash as It Adopts EU-Mandated USB-C Chargers for iPhone 15”

This transition coincides with a challenging period for Apple, as the tech giant is experiencing its longest period of revenue decline since 2016. iPhone sales have declined by over 2% in recent months, and reports of China banning iPhones for government officials have further impacted the company’s market value.

While the iPhone 15 will introduce some new features, such as a zoomable periscope camera, it is expected to be a relatively modest upgrade compared to previous iterations.

Apple had vigorously opposed the EU’s efforts to establish a common charging standard, even though it initially joined an industry group that aimed to work toward such a standard back in 2009. In 2012, Apple introduced its unique Lightning cable, which it continued using for years, despite growing momentum for a universal standard. An Apple-commissioned report in 2019 claimed that consumers would face €1.5 billion in costs if forced to change chargers due to regulatory reforms.

Apple’s lightning charging wire and port will be replaced by USB-C cable 

As of this year, approximately 1.5 billion iPhones in use worldwide rely on Apple’s Lightning cables. The transition to USB-C is expected to affect users globally, not just in Europe. Consumers who have relied on Lightning connectors for years may need to purchase new wall power adapters.

In addition, Apple’s decision to include USB-C ports at both ends of the new cable could lead to further consumer inconvenience. Most wall plugs use larger USB-A connectors, making compatibility an issue.

Apple braces for backlash after caving to EU demands on iPhone chargers (msn.com)“Apple Faces Potential Backlash as It Adopts EU-Mandated USB-C Chargers for iPhone 15”

Despite potential challenges, some consumers may welcome the change, as USB-C offers faster data transfer speeds and supports faster charging compared to Apple’s current Lightning cable. Apple has already introduced USB-C on some of its larger devices, such as MacBooks and iPads, and supports wireless charging for its phones.

Apple’s 1.5bn iPhones in use worldwide are powered by its lightning cables –

While European authorities have succeeded in pushing Apple to adopt USB-C, there may still be further developments. Reports suggest that Apple might include authentication chips in its USB-C chargers to enhance download speeds, potentially leading to a new round of regulatory discussions.

In the ongoing charging wars, one final twist may be in store as the industry navigates toward universal charging standards.

Police in England installed an AI camera system along a major road. It caught almost 300 drivers breaking the law in its first 3 days.

The AI camera system detects offenses and flags them to the police. Vision Zero Southwest/Acusensus© Vision Zero Southwest/Consensus

Police in England installed an AI camera system along a major road. It caught almost 300 drivers breaking the law in its first 3 days

  • An AI camera system installed along a major road in England caught 300 offenses in its first 3 days.
  • There were 180 seat belt offenses and 117 mobile phone offenses, according to police.
  • The AI system, from tech company Acusensus, has been trialed in England and Australia over the last year.

Police in England installed an AI camera system along a major road. It caught almost 300 drivers breaking the law in its first 3 days

Well, that was fast.

Police in England installed an AI camera system along a major road — 72 hours later, it had caught almost 300 drivers breaking the law. After 5 more days, that number rose to 1,000.

The police force in Cornwall, a county in the south of England, recently began trialing an AI road safety camera system to detect offenses like drivers not wearing their seatbelts or texting while driving. Made by AI technology company Acusensus, the system flagged nearly 180 seat-belt offenses and 117 mobile phone offenses, Vision Zero South West, a collaborative project between several organizations in the region including police, stated in a press release. 

The free-standing camera system was installed along the A30, a major road that stretches from London to the southwest tip of the country. The system reviews traffic flow in the areas where it’s deployed, then records clear images of passing vehicles using high shutter speeds, an infrared flash, and a lensing and filtering system. AI then reviews the images, flagging those showing potential offending drivers. Photos flagged by the AI are then sent to a person for review.

Police in England installed an AI camera system along a major road. It caught almost 300 drivers breaking the law in its first 3 days

The free-standing camera system is set up along the side of the road. Vision Zero Southwest/Aecom© Vision Zero Southwest/Aecom

If an offense was correctly identified, the driver is then sent either a notice of warning or intended prosecution, depending on the severity of the offense.

Police in England installed an AI camera system along a major road. It caught almost 300 drivers breaking the law in its first 3 days

This is not the first time an AI surveillance system has been used to catch offenders on the road. AI-powered cameras have been used for years to detect everything from public intoxication to drowsineFullscreenery drivers. The Acusensus system has been trialed over the past year in multiple locations across England and Australia, according to the company.

The Vision Pro represents Apple’s vision for the future of personal computers. The company unveiled a product jam-packed with features and clearly demonstrated how a headset computer could integrate into everyday life. From video calls to productivity, the Vision Pro might initially be for early adopters and developers at such a high price, but it’s not far off from the complete picture of a major product like the iPhone before it. The price will surely come down over time.

Of course, untperiodsct is tested we won’t know whether it lives up to Apple’s promises — or whether it will convince the average person to wear a headset for extended time periods. Questions remain regarding how big the market for goggles will be. But perhaps the Vision Pro with its signature Apple build quality and iOS integration is what the AR/VR industry needed all along to go mainstream. The jury is still out, for now.

Below are the most interesting Vision Pro features:

An initiative earlier this year, also in the UK, involved AI cameras being set up along highways to catch drivers throwing trash out their car windows. The Barcelona subway system uses an AI video analytics system to catch fare evaders, and the NYC subway system recently began using the same AI software to analyze fare evasion patterns.

Adrian Leisk, the head of road safety for the Devon and Cornwall Police, said in a press release that the number of drivers using their phones behind the wheel and not wearing seatbelts was disappointing.

“We are employing this new technology to send a clear message to anyone who continues to use their phone behind the wheel,” Leisk said. “You will get caught.”

Claude 2 beats ChatGPT: 5 reasons why you should try it right away

Claude 2 beats ChatGPT: 5 reasons why you should try it right away© Provided by The Indian Express

It is the age of Artificial Intelligence, and if you haven’t used an AI-powered chatbot then in all likelihood you are living under a rock. AI chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Anthropic’s Claude have been redefining work and productivity in numerous ways. They are not only enhancing the efficiency of professionals at the work front but are proving to be handy for a variety of use cases.Coursera Official Site - Enroll For Free Now - Kickoff a Cybersecurity Career

Claude 2 beats ChatGPT: 5 reasons why you should try it right away

OpenAI’s ChatGPT was launched in November 2022. The chatbot’s popularity soared owing to its ability to offer human-like responses and assistance with numerous kinds of tasks. Following ChatGPT’s wild success, the world saw the launch of Google’s Bard and Anthropic’s Claude. While Anthropic launched Claude in March, it introduced its more potent and upgraded version in Claude 2 in July. Now, Anthropic has introduced some interesting features to Claude 2 making it leap ahead of ChatGPT. At present, the Internet is abuzz with comparisons between the two with many calling Claude 2 better than ChatGPT.

Here we attempt to list a set of features of Claude 2 that could dethrone the dominance of ChatGPT.

Bigger context window

The recently updated Claude comes with 1,00,000 tokens or around 75,000 words. This is efficiency at an insane level as you could use an entire novel as a prompt, as mentioned in our earlier comparison article. In contrast, ChatGPT has 8,192 tokens which are around 4,000 words. This vast difference in context size makes ChatGPT appear rather puny when compared to Claude 2. ChatGPT lags in this regard, if someone wants to process an entire document then Anthropic’s chatbot is better equipped.

ICYMI | ChatGPT vs Google Bard vs Claude 2: Decoding the best AI chatbot for you

Contextual responses

Claude 2 beats ChatGPT: 5 reasons why you should try it right away

According to many users, Claude 2 is much faster and more efficient when it comes to generating ideas, helping with writing, editing and copywriting, and summarization. Claude 2 can write poems, entire speeches, and summarise documents. Since it is trained on massive data sets scrapped from all over the internet, it enables users to engage in a fluid conversation. While this is a subjective matter, some users may find it easier to use ChatGPT. Regardless, with each of its updates, Claude 2 is gaining more clout over its context handling.

Claude 2 is more up-to-date

Claude 2’s training data includes updates and information from 2022 and early 2023. Meanwhile, ChatGPT is only trained on data available till 2021. This shows that ChatGPT lacks the latest knowledge and is limited when it comes to offering users up-to-date information.

Claude 2 beats ChatGPT: 5 reasons why you should try it right away

However, users with access to ChatGPT Plus may still gain the latest information but that is only accessible with a subscription fee of $20 or Rs 1999 per month. We used the prompt – “Who is the President of the United States?” GPT-3.5-powered ChatGPT stated that it was unable to provide information after its training cut-off date, while Claude 2 instantly responded with the name of the president and key facts about him in a listicle format.

Also Read | ChatGPT is just the tip of the iceberg: 10 AI tools that are way cooler than OpenAI’s chatbot

Reading multiple files 

Perhaps the biggest advantage of Claude 2 over ChatGPT is its ability to read multiple files at once. Upload two or three documents at once and ask Claude 2 to compare and contrast the information, the chatbot will deliver a response in no time. This is possible with ChatGPT Plus using the Code Interpreter plugin. While some users have reported that this feature is not as effective as ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter Plugin, it does all that one needs including tasks like generating summaries. If you are not someone who is expected to pore over thousands of files for a living, then save the subscription for ChatGPT Plus as Claude 2 does the job with ease.

Faster processing time

While this is entirely subjective, in our experience, Claude 2 was faster in processing responses. Now, one could argue that ChatGPT offers a similar processing speed. Upon the launch of Claude 2, Anthropic claimed that the reiterated version offered faster performance with an average response time of around 5 seconds.

Also Read | ChatGPT Plus too pricey? 7 websites that let you access GPT-4 for free

Claude 2 beats ChatGPT: 5 reasons why you should try it right away

Claude 2 does have some limitations such as no access to the internet and weak performance when it comes to complex mathematical problems. As of now, it is only available in the UK and the US, but users in India can get on the waitlist or they can use the chatbot via VPN. When it comes to privacy, Claude 2 lets users delete their conversations. It does not have access to the internet and may offer incorrect information if prompted with real-world data.

Microsoft’s First Generative AI Certificate Is Available for Free

Microsoft is also running a grant competition for ideas on using AI training in community building.

Artificial intelligence and modern computer technology image concept.
Image: putilov_denis/Adobe Stock

On June 28 Microsoft and LinkedIn launched the AI Skills Initiative certificate program, which is a library of free coursework for professionals who are beginners in regards to generative AI skills and want to learn how to apply generative AI to their work.

In addition, Microsoft will award a grant for exceptional ideas about training employees of nonprofit, social enterprise, and research or academic institutions to use generative AI, with proposals due August 15.

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What does Microsoft’s AI Skills Initiative entail?

The Microsoft AI Skills Initiative, developed with LinkedIn, consists of five modules. Every module includes a video; some of the modules are packaged with quizzes, a workbook file or both. Completing all five modules gives the learner a Professional Certificate on Generative AI to display on LinkedIn Learning.

The content presented in the AI Skills Initiative certification skews toward Microsoft’s Bing Chat, which is built on OpenAI’s GPT-4, instead of its rival, Google’s Bard.

The Professional Certificate on Generative AI training will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Simplified Chinese and Japanese and will be free through 2025.

SEE: Learn how generative AI is transforming cloud security. (TechRepublic) 

“We have the opportunity to provide foundational information to everyone, everywhere, to help us all stay ahead of the skills gaps and harness its creativity to retrieve helpful information,” said Naria Santa Lucia, general manager of digital inclusion at Microsoft, in an email to TechRepublic. “As we are learning, the technology is learning from us, too, and we have the power to shape how the technology can best support us.”

Microsoft is offering more AI skills training courses

The LinkedIn training course is part of Microsoft’s Skills for Jobs program, which includes a training module for teachers, trainers and facilitators exploring artificial intelligence. Plus, Microsoft launched the Learn AI Skills Challenge, a brand-name certification available from July 17 to August 14.

What is the Generative AI Skills Challenge?

The Generative AI Skills Challenge, which will run from now until fall 2023, aims to teach employees how to use generative AI to create positive social change. In particular, it focuses on advancing skills, socioeconomic mobility and internet adoption among historically marginalized groups.

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Five awardees will be chosen — one each from the Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and North America regions. Each awardee will receive a monetary award of up to $250,000, as well as a Microsoft-supported cohort and events, data training and technical guidance and Azure cloud computing space.

The grant is also backed by GitHub, Microsoft’s AI for Good Lab, and data.org. Data.org is a nonprofit funded by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and The Rockefeller Foundation.

“Together, we are taking a significant stride towards fulfilling data.org’s commitment to train one million purpose-driven data practitioners by 2032,” said Danil Mikhailov, executive director of data.org, in a press release.

The winners of the grant will be announced in November 2023. Projects can be expected to conclude in June 2024.

“AI offers perhaps even more potential for the good of humanity than any invention that has preceded it,” Microsoft President and Vice Chair Brad Smith said in a blog post in response to ongoing U.S. policy discussions around the use of generative AI.

Generative AI skills are among companies’ top three training priorities

More than 75% of companies plan to adopt AI in the next five years, the World Economic Forum found. Training employees to use AI and big data is the third-highest company skills-training priority companies plan to focus on over the next five years, according to the WEF Future of Jobs 2023 report. That statistic includes generative AI or other technologies often found under the same banner, such as machine learning.

Microsoft’s May 2023 Work Trend Index found that 49% of people are concerned about AI making their jobs obsolete. At the same time, 70% are open to the possibility of delegating some tasks to AI to reduce their workloads.

One element of skills training that is somewhat unique to generative AI is the practice of prompt engineering, pointed out Shravan Goli, chief operating officer at Coursera, in an email to TechRepublic.

“Unlike other enterprise software, generative AI tools require the user to train the tool itself,” Goli said. “Without good prompts, the tool won’t be able to help employees boost productivity in a meaningful way, and increasing productivity is one of the most promising components of generative AI for workers today.”

SEE: This customizable prompt engineer hiring kit from TechRepublic Premium

He also noted that generative AI skills training requires ethical oversight, which Coursera takes into account in its own free training modules.

“As with any emerging technology, society is still navigating its broader implications and managing guardrails,” Goli said. “In order to leverage this incredibly powerful tool while still ensuring responsible use by employees, I believe organizations need to carefully outline ethical guidelines.”

Google Wants You to Code in a Browser With Project IDX

Project IDX logo.
The Project IDX logo. Image: Google

Google has released a sneak peek at a new tool for building, managing and deploying full-stack web and multiplatform applications in the cloud. Project IDX, which brings development capabilities from a Linux-based virtual machine to a browser, does not have a release date yet. Interested developers can join the Project IDX waitlist, but pricing information is not yet available.

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Development anywhere, as long as it’s Google Cloud

A key differentiator for a browser-based development tool is that developers will ideally be able to move their work across different devices while maintaining the same toolset. Project IDX can do that because it is hosted in Google Cloud, like Google Docs. Developers can also import their projects from GitHub.

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“Project IDX starts with a web-based workspace that’ll feel familiar for coding but fresh,” the IDX team of Bre Arder, Kirupa Chinnathambi, Ashwin Raghav Mohan Ganesh, Erin Kidwell, and Roman Nurik wrote in a blog post.

To make sure it’s possible to develop for different devices all from within the browser, Project IDX includes a built-in web preview. Google expects to add an Android emulator and an embedded iOS simulator at a later date. When it comes to deployment, Project IDX uses Firebase Hosting, another Google product, to create previews of apps or deploy them.

Codespaces, Replit, CodePen, and StackBlitz are examples of other applications on the market that already enable this kind of code-anywhere online hosting.

What’s under the hood of Project IDX?

Project IDX builds on two other tools: Codey and Code OSS.

  • Codey is more specifically known as the family of Vertex AI Codey APIs, which uses the Vertex generative AI to write and complete code or to chat about coding problems.
  • Code OSS is an open-source development environment associated with and used to build Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code.

Project IDX has premade templates for the following frameworks:

  • Angular
  • Flutter
  • Next.js
  • React
  • Svelte
  • Vue
  • And the programming languages JavaScript and Dart.

Google expects to add the programming languages Python and Go to the list soon.

SEE: Google wants to be a major player in the generative AI race with PaLM 2 and Bard. (TechRepublic)

Project IDX will also include other generative AI aspects, including smart code completion, an assistive chatbot and natural language actions, meaning the developer can type in commands like “add comments” or “explain this code.”

Google wants feedback

Google is feeling out what the developer community wants from a product like the one the Project IDX experiment may eventually turn into.

“The Project IDX team is focused on solving the complex fullstack/multiplatform problems as a starting point, but what direction they go from there is going to be influenced by what users want to do and what feedback they receive from developers,” said Alex Garcia-Kummert, Google’s public relations lead for developer products and tools, in an email to TechRepublic.

“We’re continuously working on adding new capabilities and addressing your feedback,” the Project IDX team wrote in the blog post. “We’re already working on new collaboration features, as we know how important those are in this hybrid work world, as well as deeper framework integrations and more personalized/contextual AI.”

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By Megan Crouse

Megan Crouse is a senior staff writer for TechRepublic focusing on cloud and edge computing, artificial intelligence, and more. Her writing has appeared at Manufacturing.net, FierceWireless, Military & Aerospace Electronics, and others.


KPMG Survey: Momentum for Generative AI Continues to Build in Organizations

A new KPMG survey finds nearly all respondents expect generative AI to positively impact their organizations and are not overly concerned about the evolving regulatory environment.

A brain with the word AI and symbols representing different businesses.
Image: metamorworks/Adobe Stock

It has been nearly a year since ChatGPT burst onto the scene and excitement about it in organizations continues to grow. A newly released study by KPMG found that 97% of respondents expect their organization to be highly or extremelyhighly impacted by generative AI in the next 12 to 18 months.

Not only that, but generative AI is rated to be the top emerging enterprise technology. 80% believe that it will disrupt their industry and nearly all (93%) think generative AI will provide value to their business.

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Generative AI investment fever

The enthusiasm for generative AI is translating into significant increases in related tech investments. According to the KPMG study, a majority (80%) of respondents said they anticipate increasing their investments in generative AI by more than 50% in the next six months to a year. 45% say it will more than double.

Many of the survey respondents said they will use this increased investment to prioritize infrastructure and scale business through generative AI applications.

SEE: Firm study predicts big spends on generative AI (TechRepublic)

Improving existing business models and leadership demand are the leading drivers behind this increase. Even though respondents report that investments will happen in functional areas across the board, three in four business leaders are looking to leverage generative AI for marketing and sales.

How generative AI has already impacted businesses

Generative AI has already made an impact in areas such as customer service and self-service support, Steve Chase, KPMG U.S. consulting lead, told TechRepublic. “Our clients who have leveraged generative AI to augment knowledge workers in call centers or make enhancements to their virtual chatbots are already seeing a significant return on investment.”

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However, the main reason for their success is because of earlier investments made in automation technologies. These allowed for swift implementation of generative AI into their processes and systems, Chase added.

“Another area our clients are getting a lot of value from is generative AI’s ability to automate content generation, such as proposal responses, social media assets, email templates and more,” he said. “It’s also made copywriting and editing tremendously more efficient.”

Survey respondents also cited IT/tech and operations as the other functional areas that are expected to be impacted the most by generative AI.

Regulatory concerns are not halting gen AI adoption plans

While respondents expressed some concern about the generative AI regulation, most businesses do not expect to slow their adoption plans. 35% of respondents said they will not pause adoption and 41% are willing to take a three-to-six-month pause to monitor the regulatory landscape.

Business leaders also anticipate the most regulatory actions around data privacy (51%), security (46%) and transparency (44%). Less is anticipated around copyright (25%) and bias (24%).

Although most (77%) business leaders said that the uncertain and evolving regulatory landscape impacts their investment decisions, they are confident they’ll meet the requirements. In preparation, many are hiring specialized talent (data privacy, bias), creating new roles and/or partnering with external consultants to help navigate the generative AI regulations.

Generative AI will contribute to workforce positivity

84% of respondents believe that generative AI will have a positive impact on their workforce. Half feel generative AI will likely expand their overall headcount. Not surprisingly, they also said hiring preference will go to those who specialize in generative AI.

Additionally, business leaders feel that generative AI is very likely to support workforce initiatives. This includes increased professional development, reduced overtime and more in-person connectivity. SEE: TechRepublic Premium’s prompt engineer hiring kit

To cope with the usage of generative AI, about half of the respondent organizations are upskilling their existing employees either through small- or large-scale efforts.

One of the noteworthy findings from this recent survey is a change in attitude from KPMG’s initial survey on generative AI conducted in April 2023. The survey “revealed that while executives expect generative AI to have an enormous impact on business, many of them felt unprepared for immediate adoption,” observed Chase.

When comparing the findings from April with the latest study from June, he said most organizations (66%) still haven’t moved out of the researching/piloting phase. This is still the case even though a majority of leaders still anticipate significant disruption to their industry.

“For leaders to capitalize on generative AI’s potential for growth and efficiencies, they will need to make critical decisions in the very near future that can move their organization into deployment and ultimately industrialization of the technology,” Chase said. “The clients we work with who have fully embraced generative AI are already seeing a substantial impact on their business and firmly believe it will be a competitive game changer for them in the future.”

Early-adopter organizations will be in a better position to drive enterprise-wide transformation and innovation versus organizations still in early-phase implementation, he added.

Survey methodology

KPMG said the survey was conducted online between June 9, 2023 and June 23, 2023, and reached 200 business decision makers in the U.S. The report also includes data from KPMG’s Gen AI survey conducted in April 2023 among 225 business leaders in the U.S. for comparison purposes. Respondents for this latest survey were from companies with $1 billion or more in annual revenue and included a mix of business functions and industries.

You can see a recap of the survey’s findings in the infographic in Figure A.

Figure A

KPMG's June 2023 generative AI survey highlights. Image: KPMG
KPMG’s June 2023 generative AI survey highlights. Image: KPMG


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It’s Time to Master ChatGPT During Our Back-to-School Sale

Become an expert in this world-changing technology for just $20.We may be compensated by vendors who appear on this page through methods such as affiliate links or sponsored partnerships. This may influence how and where their products appear on our site, but vendors cannot pay to influence the content of our reviews. For more info, visit our Terms of Use page.

An employee using ChatGPT.
Image: Stack Commerce

Businesses aren’t usually impacted by the school calendar unless they’re running marketing campaigns to capitalize on the season. However, professional development should be a priority for all business owners who want to get the most out of their employees. As such, our Back-to-School sale is a great time for business leaders to invest in learning new skills and encourage their employees to do the same.

And if you’re spending time learning something new, why not learn how to master the world’s most exciting new technology, ChatGPT? The sale is running from July 28 to August 13, and during that time you can get The Complete ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence OpenAI Training Bundle for a special discounted price of just $19.97.

This four-course bundle is designed to take students from absolute ChatGPT novices to certified experts in just four hours. You’ll kick off with an introductory course from ChatGPT educator Mike Wheeler (4.5/5-star instructor rating) that will teach you the basics of ChatGPT.

From there, you’ll expand your practical skill set with a course from Alex Genadinik (4.4/5-star rating) that will help you write sales copy, use ChatGPT to ideate blog content,d create a copywriting workflow in ChatGPT.

Finally, you’ll get two courses from John Elder (4.5/5-star rating) that will teach you how to create your own ChatGPT-like bots using Python, Django, and Tkinter.

By the end of the courses, you’ll not only be able to use ChatGPT like a pro, but you’ll also be able to build your chatbot to emulate its abilities. From July 28th through August 13th, you can get The Complete ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence OpenAI Training Bundle for more than half off $52 at just $19.97.

Prices and availability are subject to change.

Could C2PA Cryptography be the Key to Fighting AI-Driven Misinformation?

Adobe, Arm, Intel, Microsoft, and Truepic put their weight behind C2PA, an alternative to watermarking AI-generated content.

A colorful robot head representing generative AI.
Image: Sascha/Adobe Stock

With generative AI proliferating throughout the enterprise software space, standards are still being created at both governmental and organizational levels for how to use it. One of these standards is a generative AI content certification known as ​​C2PA.

C2PA has been around for two years, but it’s gained attention recently as generative AI becomes more common. Membership in the organization behind C2PA has doubled in the last six months.

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What is C2PA?

The C2PA specification is an open-source internet protocol that outlines how to add provenance statements, also known as assertions, to a piece of content. Provenance statements might appear as buttons viewers could click to see whether the piece of media was created partially or totally with AI.

Simply put, provenance data is cryptographically bound to the piece of media, meaning any alteration to either one of them would alert an algorithm that the media can no longer be authenticated. You can learn more about how this cryptography works by reading the C2PA technical specifications.

This protocol was created by the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity, also known as C2PA. Adobe, Arm, Intel, Microsoft and Truepic all support C2PA, which is a jo, int project that brings together the Content Authenticity Initiative and Project Origin.

The Content Authenticity Initiative is an organization founded by Adobe to encourage providing provenance and context information for digital media. Project Origin, created by Microsoft and the BBC, is a standardized approach to digital provenance technology to make sure information — particularly news media — has a provable source and hasn’t been tampered with.

Together, the groups that make up C2PA aim to stop misinformation, specifically AI-generated content that could be mistaken for authentic photographs and videos.

How can AI content be marked?

In July 2023, the U.S. government and leading AI companies released a voluntary agreement to disclose when content is created by generative AI. The C2PA standard is one possible way to meet this requirement. Watermarking and AI detection are two other distinctive methods that can flag computer-generated images. In January 2023, OpenAI debuted its own AI classifier for this purpose, but then shut it down in July ” … due to its low rate of accuracy.”

Meanwhile, Google is trying to provide watermarking services alongside its own AI. The PaLM 2 LLM hosted on Google Cloud will be able to label machine-generated images, according to the tech giant in May 2023.

SEE: Cloud-based contact centers are riding the wave of generative AI’s popularity. (TechRepublic)

There are a handful of generative AI detection products on the market now. Many, such as Writefull’s GPT Detector, are created by organizations that also make generative AI writing tools available. They work similarly to the way the AI themselves do. GPTZero, which advertises itself as an AI content detector for education, is described as a “classifier” that uses the same pattern recognition as the generative pre-trained transformer models it detects.

The importance of watermarking to prevent malicious uses of AI

Business leaders should encourage their employees to look out for content generated by AI — which may or may not be labeled as such — to encourage proper attribution and trustworthy information. It’s also important that AI-generated content created within the organization be labeled as such.

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Dr. Alessandra Sala, senior director of artificial intelligence and data science at Shutterstock, said in a press release, “Joining the CAI and adopting the underlying C2PA standard is a natural step in our ongoing effort to protect our artist community and our users by supporting the development of systems and infrastructure that create greater transparency and help our users to more easily identify what is an artist’s creation versus AI-generated or modified art.”

And it all comes back to making sure people don’t use this technology to spread misinformation.

“As this technology becomes widely implemented, people will come to expect Content Credentials information attached to most content they see online,” said Andy Parsons, senior director of the Content Authenticity Initiative at Adobe. ”That way, if an image didn’t have Content Credentials information attached to it, you might apply extra scrutiny in a decision on trusting and sharing it.”

Content attribution also helps artists retain ownership of their work

For businesses, detecting AI-generated content and marking its content when appropriate can increase trust and avoid misattribution. Plagiarism, after all, goes both ways. Artists and writers using generative AI to plagiarize need to be detected. At the same time, artists and writers producing original work need to ensure that work won’t crop up in someone else’s AI-generated project.

Cloud Data Systems and Edge AI Make a Major Impact on Today’s Data Science

 Gartner outlines the top trends in machine learning and data science, including the impact of generative AI. Learn more about the top trends with our article.

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Image: kras99/Adobe Stock

Gartner outlines the top trends in machine learning and data science, including the impact of generative AI.

Investors will pour more than $10 billion into AI startups that use foundation models, tech consultancy Gartner found in its August report on top trends in data science and machine learning. In particular, business leaders across the globe are interested in edge and data-centric generative AI, plus using generative AI responsibly.

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Cloud-native solutions take over from self-contained software

By 2024, 50% of new system deployments in the cloud will reside entirely within a cloud data ecosystem as opposed to manually integrated point solutions, Gartner predicted. Organizations should look out for converged data and analytics platforms that can solve problems over a wide swath of distributed data. That means businesses will continue to see more cloud-native solutions as opposed to self-contained software or blended deployments.

SEE: Explore the best data science tools for any use case (TechRepublic)

Edge and AI will move analysis toward IoT endpoints

“As machine learning adoption continues to grow rapidly across industries, DSML [data science and machine learning] is evolving from just focusing on predictive models toward a more democratized, dynamic, and data-centric discipline,” said Peter Krensky, director analyst at Gartner, at the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit on August 1, as quoted in a press release. “This is now also fueled by the fervor around generative AI. While potential risks are emerging, so too are the many new capabilities and use cases for data scientists and their organizations.”

Businesses are keeping an eye on how AI training and inferencing can help transition data analytics to edge environments near IoT endpoints.

More than 55% of all data analysis by deep neural networks (which generative AI is based on) will occur at the point on the edge where the data is captured by 2025, Gartner said. That’s a large jump from the 10% that occurred in 2021, and speaks to the massive increase in AI adoption since the beginning of 2023.

Cloud and edge computing saw a $84 billion equity investment in 2022, McKinsey found in its 2023 tech trends report.

Data-centric AI can include training on synthetic data

Data-centric AI performs tasks such as AI-specific data management, synthetic data, and data labeling to solve problems in accessibility, volume, privacy, security, complexity and scope.

Generative AI ca,n also be used to create synthetic data with which to train other applications. Use cases such as simulating real conditions, predicting future scenarios and removing some risk from, AI will boost the amount of synthetic data in industry to 60% by 2024, Gartthe ner predicts. That’s up from just 1% in 2021, likely driven again by the commercialization of generative AI in late 2022 and early 2023.

Responsible AI follows the trend toward regulation

Responsible AI is a philosophy that takes into account business and societal value, risk, trust, transparency and accountability, in regard, ds to generative AI. Gartner pointed out that “The concentration of pre-trained AI models among 1% of AI vendors by 2025 will make responsible AI a societal concern” – meaning that a problem in one model could rapidly spread across a massive number of clients. Concerns include generative AI introducing factual mistakes into content — accidentally because of hallucinations or on purpose as part of a planned misinformation campaign. People are also concerned about AI introducing bias into content or plagiarizing copyrighted work.

More must-read AI coverage

Some organizations, including Salesforce, support recent conversations about government regulation on generative AI.

“Salesforce supports tailored, risk-based AI regulation that differentiates contexts and uses of the technology and ensures the protection of individuals, builds trust, and encourages innovation,” Salesforce’s executive vice president of government affairs, Eric Loeb wrote in a blog post in July.

AI investment continues to rise

Overall, Gartner found that more than $10 billion will have been invested in AI startups that rely on foundation models by 2026. More organizations will implement AI solutions, and more industries will take AI technologies and AI-based businesses into account.

In a pool of 2,500 executive leaders in May, Gartner found that 45% said the hype around ChatGPT spurred them to put more money into generative AI. Most (70%) of those organizations are still exploring their options, while 19% have a pilot program or have put use of generative AI into the duction.

KPMG Survey: Momentum for Generative AI Continues to Build in Organizations

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